
In countless universes, there exists a universe where a group of block-people live. They have different personalities and are skilled in traversing different universes, hoping to bring happiness to others.

In a mysterious and colorful universe, there resides a unique group of beings called block people. Each block person possesses a distinct shape and color, living harmoniously in a universe filled with joy and peace.

Driven by their boundless curiosity and a desire to bring happiness to others, these block people invented a special device called the Joy Portal. This device can travel between different universes. The block people use this magical gateway to enter various universes and bring joy and warmth in their unique ways.

Among them is a block person named Radiance, who shines with a bright light. He possesses the power to create beautiful music. Whenever someone feels troubled or sad, Radiance steps through the Joy Portal and appears before them, using his musical talents to bring joy and solace.

There is also a block person named Rainbow, an extraordinarily talented artist. Rainbow, with her unique painting skills, transforms the world into a colorful tapestry, bringing beauty and inner peace to people. She traverses the Joy Portal, reaching different universes, to offer hope and warmth to those who need it.

Apart from Radiance and Rainbow, there are other block people with various talents. Each of them is eager to pass through the Joy Portal and use their individual abilities to bring happiness to people. Some are dancers, others are jesters, magicians, or ambassadors of smiles. Regardless of their talents and personalities, their goal is to scatter the seeds of happiness across the universes, allowing everyone to feel warmth and bliss.

The block people believe that happiness is contagious through sharing. They hope to sow the seeds of happiness and bring joy to every heart in countless universes. They are always ready to travel through the Joy Portal, searching for those who need them and leaving positive imprints in their lives, ensuring that happiness never ceases.

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